Monday, December 12, 2011

Be Like Da Vinci... Try Acupuncture!

I have been practicing acupuncture for
over 10 years. In this time, there have been many changes, mostly
for the better. One thing I have found is that many people are much
less reluctant to try acupuncture nowadays. As more people try it,
they share their experiences with their circle of friends and family,
and the experiences are almost always positive. When we met people
at health fairs and events, they are usually receptive to learning
more about acupuncture. No doubt the positive portrayal in the media
from such people as Dr. Mehmet Oz is a huge factor as well. There is
no doubt that acupuncture is going mainstream.
Occasionally, however, we will
encounter people who have a positive impression and might like to try
it, but have a desire to examine the research. This is a natural
impulse. Before the internet, people relied on sources like Consumer
Reports to provide objective information on products and services,
but few people had access to medical journals and studies. Today,
the problem is that there is an overabundance of information on any
given topic. One can find studies relating to acupuncture that are
glowingly positive. Then there are studies that conclude acupuncture
is marginally better than placebo or neutral. There are very few
that cast acupuncture in a negative light. Essentially, as with many
things, one can find data to support whatever their position already
is, and an equal amount of data to contradict it. In addition, many
scientific studies reveal the bias of the individuals performing the
studies. This effect, called confirmation bias, can affect results
even in hard sciences like chemistry and physics.
I was discussing this with a physicist
recently and then it hit me. Somebody interested in acupuncture
could spend hours and hours gathering information (isn't that why
you're here?), carefully weighing the pros and cons. Or... they
could just try it! Leonardo Da Vinci, Issac Newton, Galileo, all the
great scientists of the past formed conceptions in their minds and
then tested them in real life. Today's scientists working, with
million and even billion dollar equipment, must plan their
experiments, sometimes years in advance. But judging acupuncture
does not require a hadron collider or even an MRI. All it takes is
an hour or so, and (at our clinic anyway), a very low investment.
Try it. Learn what a form of medicine that has lasted 5000 years is
really all about. Form your own opinion. Make up your own mind. At
the very least, you will learn something and have a new and
interesting experience. At the most, it could be a life-changing

Monday, September 19, 2011

Overtraining Syndrome


Over the past 10 years, it has been my pleasure to treat many, many patients and in particular many people engaged in athletic endeavors. In some cases, acupuncture alone has provided excellent results. In other cases, acupuncture has proven to be a good complement to other modalities including chiropractic and physical therapy.

Every athlete, professional or not, will inevitably encounter injury. Most sports injuries are to the soft tissue (e.g. tendons, ligaments, muscles). Many athletes never completely recover, and in some cases these injuries become the basis for future problems.

Besides soft tissue injury, another common situation encountered by highly motivated athletes is overtraining syndrome. Exercise and sports performed properly promotes health and reduces physiologic and psychological stress. Improperly performed, these activities may increase stress and reduce health. If the intensity of training is increased beyond the body's ability to adapt, and if a full revery is not made, training actually becomes a long-term cause of stress. Some of the symptoms encountered include:

General fatigue that does not improve
Loss of motivation
Feelings of depression, anxiety, irritability
Loss of Strength

These symptoms are beyond that felt after normal training and do not diminish after a few days of rest or reduced training.

Physiological Effects

Excessive musculoskeletal stress, coupled with insufficient rest and recovery, leads to local acute inflammation, which can evolve into systemic chronic inflammation.

Studies have also shown that excessive training can actually compromise normal immune function. The immune system, in addition to providing defense against bacteria, viruses, and tumor cells also participates in tissue regeneration after injury. Overtraining leads to reduced lymphocytes and antibodies, making the body vulnerable to illness.

The endocrine system is also affected. Athletes who have overtrained may show increases in cortisol and decreases in testosterone. A change in this ratio may result in more protein catabolism (breakdown) than anabolism (buildup) in cells.

Acupuncture Treatment

Acupuncture is a soft tissue therapy which has 3 effects to reduce systemic stress. It reduces pain, promotes tissue healing, and helps restore homeostasis. The needle induces a local response which causes the body to attempt to heal both the point where the needle is inserted and the surrounding area. The nerve signal from the point is is transmitted to and processed at the spinal cord and within the brain. These activate control systems which both relieve pain and restore homeostasis.

Most people are treated twice per week for 3 weeks. Within this period of time, people consistently report less pain, better sleep, and improved energy. In addition, at our clinic, we use specialized techniques to increase range of motion, strength and balance. As competitive people in every field know, it is not the fact that problems arise but how you deal with them that determines your success.